
The terminology used in this blog, strategic design, system thinking, and design thinking terms and their definitions.

Balancing Process
The feedback loops and mechanisms that maintain a system's stability and equilibrium over time.

The limits or borders that define a system and separate it from its environment.

Cause and Effect
The relationship between events or actions where one event or action causes another to occur.

The degree to which a system is composed of many interconnected parts or has many possible outcomes.

The phenomenon where complex patterns or behaviours arise from the interactions of simple components in a system.

Design Ethics
The consideration of moral and ethical issues in the design and use of products and services, including issues related to privacy, accessibility, and social responsibility.

Design Language
A visual and conceptual system for expressing a brand's personality, values, and style across various touchpoints and channels.

Design Research
The systematic study of user needs, behaviours, and preferences to inform the design and development of products and services.

Design Sprint
A structured, time-boxed process for solving complex problems and developing new ideas in a collaborative and iterative way.

Design Strategy
The alignment of design and business goals to drive innovation and create a competitive advantage.

Design System
A set of guidelines, components, and tools that ensure consistency and efficiency in the design and development of digital products.

Design Thinking
A human-centred approach to problem-solving that involves empathy, ideation, prototyping, and testing.

Any occurrence or happening that takes place within a system.

Feedback Loop
The process of taking the output of a system and using it as input to the same system, creating a loop that allows the system to self-correct and adapt.

The process of creating new ideas, products, or services that have value for customers and contribute to the growth of a business.

The relationship between different parts of a system where each part affects the others and is affected by them.

Negative Feedback Loop
see Balancing Process.

A recurring behaviour or trend that is observable within a system.

Reinforcing Process
A type of feedback loop that amplifies the effects of a change or action.

Service Design
The design of end-to-end services, including the touchpoints, processes, and interactions between customers and service providers.

Strategic Design
A design methodology that combines design thinking and strategic planning to create products, services, and experiences that align with business goals and user needs.

A collection of interacting components or elements that work together to achieve a common purpose.

Systemic Structure
The arrangement of components, elements, or parts of a system and the interrelationships between them that give rise to the system's behaviour and properties.

Systems Thinking
A holistic approach to understanding and solving complex problems.

User Experience (UX)
The overall experience a user has while interacting with a product or service, including its usability, functionality, and emotional impact.